Gladys Mendoza

Navarre, FL

Gladys Mendoza was born in New Jersey, but eventually moved and currently resides in Navarre, Florida. A proud Air Force vet, Gladys also worked as a veterinary assistant, and she’s been boarding, sitting, and walking dogs since 2016. She found LDTT when she was first a client.

“Seeing (her dog) Tora become such an obedient dog within minutes was life altering. I've always had a passion to work with animals, especially dogs, but knowing I could save other dogs’ lives, like Tora's, through training, really made me want to join the team that could make it happen.”

In her spare time, Gladys enjoys crocheting and all things crafty. She also loves to go out in the sunshine on her paddle board at the beach or going on adventures with her children.