Hannah Bushey

Pepperell, MA

Hannah Bushey was born and raised in Vermont, but now lives in Pepperell, Massachusetts. She grew up with a passion for animals and always had dogs in her life. Her background, being a flight attendant for 10 years, helped her to learn how to deal with people from all walks of life, not to mention lots of different situations. While she had a career with a restrictive schedule, she made a conscious choice to not own a dog but filled her need for one by being a dog walker when she wasn’t flying around the country.

We asked Hannah more about how she found LDTT, and she stated, “Alyssa O’Donnell (a current LDTT trainer) is a friend. I watched her journey through finding Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team and how they helped her with her first dog, Remmy. I saw the transformation, watched her process of becoming a dog trainer herself, and all the personal growth that followed. I ended up getting a pup myself and hired Alyssa to help us with our training. The experience set the tone, coupled with watching hers, and said I want that for myself!”

When asked what she likes to do in her spare time, Hannah enthusiastically answered, “I absolutely love the outdoors! I’m big into stand up paddleboarding, or anything on the water, for that matter. Mountains make my heart happy, looking at them, but especially hiking them. Backpacking is the new adventure I’m currently taking on. I enjoy camping and hiking now, working on combining multiple days. Movement is my motivation and therapy! Whether it’s in a gym setting or yoga on the beach, I’m all about it.”

Her ultimate goal is to create and live a simple life, filled with joy.