Clark Patton
Clark Patton was born and raised in Louisiana and now makes his home in Pensacola, Florida. When one of our LDTT trainers did a Lunch and Learn at his local vet clinic, Clark decided to sign his own dog up to help with a slight aggression issue. He was amazed at what the trainer was able to accomplish just in the evaluation. “It was like he was dancing and having so much fun. It made me realize that I could do the same thing.”
Having been a real estate agent for two years, his experience working with people and marketing his services has been enjoyable for Clark, not to mention perfect for becoming a dog trainer.
When we asked Clark about his goals, he said, “I want to create a business that has the ability to run itself so I can achieve the ultimate goal, having control over my time.”
In his spare time, he enjoys reading, lifting weights, running 5ks, and pushing his friends to achieve their next fitness level.