Emilo Marotta
Although Emilio is originally from Boston, he’s now a 20-year resident of San Diego. He worked for many years in the financial and sales industries but felt that he didn't receive the rewards that he gains from working with man's best friend on a daily basis.
Emilio is a former Marine and college athlete, as well as an avid dog lover. He was immediately drawn to training and working with pets and their owners, helping to improve their relationships. Emilio has spent the majority of his time helping people in San Diego in these very circumstances. He’s also worked with several rescue organizations, helping to rehabilitate many pups throughout San Diego County. "It's a great feeling knowing I am helping people shape the pet they always wanted," he said.
As Emilio has grown into his position, he’s finding his role in Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team is evolving as well. He’s growing his presence in San Diego by building and mentoring his team as a Master Trainer. He went on to say, “This gives me the opportunity to provide and pass on to other trainers what I received from Lorenzo and my fellow trainers. Plus, the impact on San Diego will be huge. This will allow us to reach more families and their dogs throughout the county and that’s the bottom line. Helping as many families, dogs, and individuals grow in this company is my mission”.
Whenever he's not training dogs or helping people, Emilio spends his time with his family, which includes his beautiful wife, Trina, and his two Rottweilers, Sofia and Champ, and Rocco, a Pit Bull mix.
“Sometimes a testimonial can be given too soon. You really loved the meal at the new restaurant and made sure to tell everyone that night that they should go there. But when you go back after all the raving you have done, you find that the service isn’t as good and the meal not as perfect. This is not the case with the training my dogs received from Emilio Marotta of Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team. Our dogs’ training was not only professional and targeted to our specific needs, it was lasting!
Our dog, Gunner, is an Olde English Bull Dog. My son’s dog, Mylo, is a Pitbull mix. The two of them were fine towards family, however, neighbors and strangers were not tolerated. The dogs would bark when anyone came to the gate. Gunner had started snapping and finally bit one of our neighbors. We knew that we couldn’t make excuses anymore. Both dogs needed intense training help. I went online and read about several local training companies, but nothing I read made me want to have my dogs with those companies. My vet had recommended Lorenzo’s, so I googled them. I liked what I read and called them to set up a time with their trainer.
Emilio came to the house and assessed the behavior of the dogs. Then, he assessed the behavior of humans. Turns out, we were enablers of the dogs’ bad behavior. Emilio showed us how to take control of our dogs through leash handling, firm corrections, and consistency. It sounds so easy as I write this down, but it was actually hard at first. Our dogs were family, right? No, our dogs are dogs. Together, we are all a pack. And as humans, we are the leaders of the pack. Remembering this was the key to the training.
3 weeks after the training sessions were completed, our house was flooded and we had to move out. This meant that the dogs would be in daycare and then at the hotel with us every evening. If this had happened before the training, we would not be able to be in the hotel, and the dogs would not be able to be in the daycare. Our dogs go to outdoor restaurants and sit at our sides without any issues. It is as if we are alone. Our dogs walk through the corridors in the hotel without any aggression towards people who pass. Our dogs go to daycare and complete strangers pet them, walk them, and even cuddle with them (for that last part we pay extra!). My point is, without the training of both the canines and humans, we would have had more problems than just a water-soaked house.
Emilio gave us the confidence to be great dog owners. The method is simple and sustainable. We use the leash training daily. The dogs will sit and wait to have the leashed hooked to them as soon as we pick it up. Neighbors can visit without hesitation, and we are comfortable walking the dogs in crowds. I have recommended Lorenzo’s to many friends and coworkers, and I absolutely recommend Emilio as a trainer for Lorenzo’s. You will be amazed at how much of a change a well behaved dog can make in your life.
Thank you, Emilio, for everything!”
“I just wanted to tell you how pleased I am with the outcome of your referral to Lorenzo’s Dog Training.
When I brought my female, senior Pitbull in for dental cleaning in February, I was reminded once again how difficult it is to enjoy her when she barely tolerates other dogs being near her. (I also have her 7-year-old female “puppy”, who exhibits the same dog aggression and had bitten my neighbor’s dog while off leash, also biting my neighbor in the process.) Without much hope, I asked if your staff knew of a good dog training and was referred to Lorenzo’s Dog Training, with a card for a free evaluation.
Emilio from Lorenzo’s returned my call quickly, set up an appointment for a few days later, and, within minutes of handling my female Pitbull (the one with more serious dog aggression issues named Makai), had her in the down-stay position, resting peacefully next to his huge Rottweiler, Sofia. We signed up for weekly training immediately, and I started using the techniques Emilio showed me with Makai to also train her mother, Roxi. It felt like the cost of training had been cut in half, being able to use it with both dogs while Emilio worked weekly with Makai.
Emilio’s training has made a world of difference in how I enjoy my 2 female Pitbulls. After the biting incident, I had stopped taking them for walks, fearing another incident that would result in the forced death of my dog(s). Emilio showed me the correct way to handle my dogs, urged me to use the correct leash and training collar, and helped me become confident that my dog can go where I go without any negative outcome.
When you recently held a dog training demonstration, I attended with Roxi (who doesn’t tolerate other dogs getting anywhere near her) to see how she would behave with 30 or more other dogs in close proximity. In the past, she would have stayed on high alert, tail rigid, constantly low growling... but not that day. I am proud to say she ignored the other dogs and sat or laid down by my chair during the entire demonstration... never a lunge, not even a growl, relaxed enough that she appeared to sleep. I was able to thoroughly enjoy the demonstration, and it reinforced the training Emilio had been doing in my home. Lorenzo has a winning technique, and I was pleased to see he was there for the demonstration. What a difference it has made in my dogs!
Thank you for introducing me to Lorenzo’s Dog Training and giving me back the great quality of life I’ve always wanted to have with my female Pitbulls. Each of them gets a daily walk now, separately, and we are pleased to show off our new, more friendly behaviors to our neighbors in La Mesa.”